Delhi Police Constable Selection Process 2019
- Written Exam
- PET, that is, Physical Efficiency Test
- PST, that is, Physical Standard Test
- Verification of documents and Medical Examination
For the written exam, the syllabus prescribed by the Delhi Police Constable and SI will be available online. The syllabus will consist of general intelligence, reasoning, aptitude, general English and specialized topic. The exam will be objective in nature, in Hindi, and in English, and the time duration that has been set is 90 minutes. There will be 100 objective-type questions with no negative marking.
Delhi Police Constable Written Examination
The Computer-Based Written Examination:
- The only those applicants who qualify in PE & MT will be allowed to appear in Computer-Based Written Examination.
- All Candidates will have to undergo PE & MT Examination.
- The Staff Selection Commission will not take cognizance of representations regarding the question paper of Computer-based written examination, received later than 10 days after placement of answer keys on the website.
- The Date of Computer-based written examination is subject to change, in which event the new date will be notified through newspapers, commission’s website and admission Certificate for the examination.

Delhi Police Constable Physical Standard Test

Special Note: The Physical Standard Endurance & Measurement Test will be conducted by Delhi Police.
Delhi Police Constable Physical Endurance Test 2019
Physical Endurance Test (Qualifying) for the Post of Constable (Exe) Male for all candidates including Ex-Servicemen and Departmental Candidates (age – wise) will be as under : –

Physical Endurance Test ( qualifying) for the post of Constable ( Exe) Female for all candidates including Departmental candidates ( age wise) will be under:

Special Note:
- Those who qualify in the race event will be eligible to appear in the long jump and high jump events.
- Three chances will be given to qualifying in the long jump and high jump events.
- There shall be no appeal against disqualification in race, long jump & high Jump, however, candidates may appeal against height and chest measurement on the same day of PET & MT before the Appellate Board.
- The Relaxation in height and chest ( as the case may be) as mentioned above will be permissible only on production of a certificate in the Performa as prescribed, from the competent authorities of the district where they ordinarily reside.
Delhi Police Constable Medical Standard
The Minimum distant vision should be 6/12 of two eyes (without glass) and shall be free form color blindness.
Candidates who have to undergo Lasik surgery for improvement of their vision ( eyesight) will be eligible if their vision ( eyesight) is found normal after the conduct of the following Test at the govt Hospital:-
- Contrast Sensitivity
- Dim Light Vision ( Mesopic Vision)
- Glare acuity
The Applicants must not have Knock Knee, Flat Foot, Varicose Vein, Loss or Deformity of fingers & Chest and Joints, Halux rigidus, Squint in Eyes, Bowlegs and Other Deformity including loss of any part of Body.
Delhi Police SI Selection Procedure:
- Written Examination
The Written examination will consist of Paper – I, Physical Standard Test (PST)/Physical Endurance Test (PET), Paper II and Detailed Medical Examination (DME). All these stages of the examination are mandatory. The complete details of these papers/Tests are as follow:
- The Question in both papers will be of Objective Multiple Choice Type Questions.
- The Questions will be set in Hindi and English in Parts – I, II and III of Paper – I.
- There will be negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong in Paper I and Paper II.
Delhi Police SI Paper I

Delhi Police SI Paper II

Physical Standard Test (PST) and Physical Endurance Test ( PET) For Delhi Police SI

Physical Endurance Test (PET) (For All Posts)
For Male Candidates only 100 Meters race in 16 Seconds1.6 Kms race in 6.5 MinuteLong Jump – 3.65 Meters in 3 ChancesHigh Jump – 1.2 meters in 3 ChancesShot Put ( 16 Lbs): 4.5 Meters in 3 Chances For Female Candidates only 100 Meters race in 19 Seconds800 Meters race in 4 MinutesLong Jump: 2.7 Meters in 3 Chances.High Jump: 0.9 Meters in 3 Chances. |
Required Document for Delhi Police Constable and SI Exam
Further, who qualify the PST, they would be called up for Personal Interview. And then there will be verification of the documents. The documents which need to be verified are as follows:
- Certificates of the qualifying exams
- Marksheets of the qualifying exams
- Proof of the academic qualifications of the candidates
- Aadhar card of the candidate
- Certificate certifying the date of birth of the candidate
- Certificate of school study
- Certificate of the declaration to be presented by the unemployed candidates
- A no objection certificate to be presented by the employed candidates